(Sorry for the gibberesh which was here. These web sites as well as my "MS Word,: formatted documents get all screwed up when I use the Microsoft Word Processor. They will erase lines of text, add text to where I never intended it to go, will erase texts, and mix text all up into gibberesh. I find the thing almost useless, as compared to my simple "Word Pad," where I never had to worry about such stuff.
Well, I don't have the time to go take a six month "Word " proficiency course, so you will have to bear with my mistakes, though I am constantly fixing things.
You know, it's just that I don't really need a word processor set for the educational background of a Harvard English Professor. I am sure that the other hundred million "word," users do, but I am not there yet!!!!!!
Fricking MS technical idiots!
Music Link: https://youtu.be/kuD33xMxAoY
Wisdom Link: https://youtu.be/nIi8hnhkxC0
2 Corinthians 11:27-29 New Living Translation
27 I have worked hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and thirsty and have often gone without food. I have shivered in the cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm.
28 Then, besides all this, I have the daily burden of my concern for all the churches. 29 Who is weak without my feeling that weakness? Who is led astray, and I do not burn with anger?
Music Link: https://youtu.be/vnFNx9VBsS0
From “Google:”
AI Overview
The scripture where Paul says "I have learned to be content" is found in Philippians 4:12. The full verse reads,
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want".
Key points about this verse:
Paul is discussing his ability to be content regardless of his circumstances, whether he is experiencing abundance or need.
It refers to a state of satisfaction and peace with one's situation, not complacency.
Added 2-7-2025
I wrote this paper yesterday or two nights ago but felt all day yesterday that God wished for me to add some wisdom concerning “Spiritual giftings.”
I just finished it a few minutes ago, so am going to post:
You know, I have taught this many times, but I believe only a few have wanted to hear it. You see, what I am telling you is part of the “Narrow way,” in which Jesus admonished his disciples to walk in.
Yesterday, I wrote a few paragraphs concerning my long journey of following the Lord Jesus Christ. And what I believe that God wishes for me to divulge once again is the reason why I have never been without a “Spiritual Gift,” given to me by the Holy Spirit to operate in. I have never lacked a “gift,” to use when I needed to minister to someone.
Well, the reason for this is because I have never signed a contract to work for a ministry. I have never accepted a position in a church or ministry, not that anyone would ask, as I am at times a little “Nutz,” in my approach to ministry.
Nevertheless, I have never sold my services for the sake of ministry. I have never thought of using my voice in a capacity where it would benefit myself financially.
I have never made a decision to even try to make money off of any singing abilities.
I have just always had this very strong conviction that if I did that, I would be compromising what God had called me to do. You see, He has first called me to preach the gospel, not to become a singing sensation in the “Kingdom of God.”
Besides, as many times as I have looked, I have yet to find an “Office of Singer,” in the New Testament.
I recall Dr. Hagin way back in Bible School where he taught that although you may have “special giftings,” even of the “fivefold offices,” this does not exclude you from your obligation to “Preach the Gospel,” first and foremost.
In other words, if God has anointed you for a particular office, your first obligation should still be to “preach the gospel.”
God doesn’t give offices, in order that people can walk around being “Prophets.”
Nor does he give “gifts,” that you can walk around earning millions of dollars for your personal portfolio’s.
And I am not saying that God doesn’t call individuals to the ministry of music, but what I am saying is that when God calls a person to the “Music Ministry,” the purpose is not so that you can make huge sums of money and to live as some “Prosperity Preacher” with three mansions, a Private Jet, and a fleet of Rolls Royce’s.
You see, what I am saying is that I have yet to find in scripture anyone called to minister in order for them to build a separate Island unto themselves that they no longer have to be part of the “Body of Christ.”
I have found a few cases of a couple of individuals where they have been rejected by the brethren, however, because their words of truth really irritate the “Clergy.” But I have yet to find an individual who God has chosen to richly “Bless,” in order for them to go live alone with their fortunes, that they don’t have to deal with those “lower forms” of life within the church.
Can anyone see my point?
I don’t know, perhaps I am wrong, but can any of you find an Elvis or a Taylor Swift in scriptures? Or how about a Christian singer or entertainer that emulates one of these worldly artists, yet feel justified because their “Music,” has some “Jesus lyrics,” added to it?
Nevertheless, my point here is not to contend with the Christian Music industry or with many individuals who I think of as friends, but to show the church why God does not dispense the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit,” as they ought to be distributed.
You see, when you contract to accept money from a corporation, then in a sense you are no longer living by “Faith.”
Well, the Bible says that “without Faith it is impossible to please God,” so why would God wish to empower you with a “supernatural gift,” if you have chosen to give up your “walking of “Faith,” in ministry.
And I am not saying that all men should immediately give up any jobs which are many times “career decisions,” in the church, but what I am saying for those who wish to “walk in the supernatural,” then you should be careful in the ways in which Satan will tempt you to compromise your “walk of Faith.”
You see, as our society is built and as the churches have been established, there is a need for professional clergy. As millions of people are being brought into the kingdom there is a need for musicians, singers and producers blah, blah blah, but for the ones who wish to make their “walk with God,” an adventure, or to establish themselves as a close friend of God, then they ought to strictly live their lives out by “Faith.”
The other day, I heard an amazing explanation of “Jesus inner circle,” from a very gifted Bible teacher.
Some time we forget the importance of those who were closest to Jesus.
But what I am saying is that if you wish to love God more, if you wish to be among his “inner circle of friends,” then perhaps, you ought not to be making hundreds of thousands of dollars from ”Singing Hymns,” so you can take your family and disappear atop some mountain which gives you a great advantage to watch the “little people,” of no consequence.
Does that make sense?
Well, what I am trying to say is that I believe the reason why the church is not seeing the “supernatural,” is that there are too many individuals who Satan has compromised.
And once you have been compromised, it is very hard to re-establish your integrity in terms of how God views you.
Think on these things, my brothers and sisters, and remember there is a price to be paid for the “giftings,” of the Holy Ghost, I can testify to this truth.
I just wrote the above and then ate and listened to a great speaker at an ORU Chapel service.
Well, as the service came to a close the Lord reminded me that I had forgotten a “point,” earlier when I was writing about the “Giftings,” of the Holy Spirit for ministry.
Let me explain, I hope you don’t mind, but I think AI can do this part much better.
I ask “Google” the following question:
Is it true that years ago if you were participating in the Olympics, you would be disqualified for receiving payment for being sponsored?
AI Overview
Yes, this is true; historically, Olympic athletes were considered "amateurs" and were not allowed to receive payment from sponsors, meaning if they were found to be receiving compensation, they could be disqualified from the Games; however, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) relaxed these rules in the 1970s, allowing professional athletes to compete in most Olympic sports.
Key points to remember:
Before the 1970s, the Olympics strictly enforced an amateur status, where athletes could not be paid for their participation.
The IOC gradually changed its rules, allowing professional athletes to compete in the Olympics, starting with certain sports and eventually opening it up to most athletic disciplines.
Today, most Olympic athletes can earn money through sponsorships and endorsements while still competing in the Games.
So, in other words, all the way up until this “Prosperity” had overtaken society, an Olympian was forbidden to receive compensation.
Well, there were a lot of reasons, I suppose, but I am sure one of the reasons was because it could distract the athlete. It could take his “focus,” off the purpose of the Olympics which were to truly determine the best athlete according to the domain or country in which he represented, as they competed against the world’s other Athletes.
Well, what happened was that in this century along with “Hero,” worship we also became consumed with greed and covetousness. Therefore, instead of your children desiring to represent their country in true sportsmanship and to show their patriotism and pride, nowadays, the children are taught to covet most earnestly those “riches,” which are associated with being an Olympian.
They don't see winning a trophy, "No," they see a Maserati, or a Porche. They don't see unity among the team, not all, but many, they see a lifetime of never having to fall under any kind of work ethic.
They see mansions in Bel Air, and Hollywood parties and movie stars.
In other words, we have thrown out the true “spirit,” of the games, in order that society, as well as corporations can “PIMP Out,” our children for “what they can do for us.”
Who cares if they all get “Popped,” for drunk driving or reckless manslaughter, or drug addictions, so long as they can bring home the gold, right?
But you see, this is like an analogy to the kingdom of God. If you wish to receive the “giftings,” of the Holy Spirit, then you can’t compromise yourself, as so many do in the world, you can't fall into the temptations of wanting everything right now.
And to have these "feelings," of entitlement because you are specially made by God to be above your fellows?
Because you see, the moment that you compromise yourself falling for one of Satan’s temptations, you forfeit the prize.
Thus, what the church is left with are a bunch of greedy good for nothing “Preachers,” who by their own choices have made themselves worthless to God.
What God wants are those who are willing to run the race for the sole satisfaction of being pleasing to Him.
He is not looking for those "star athletes," who have no other focus, except for what they can get out of it. Therefore, if you want to receive a "gifting" to train with, you have to remain as a humble amateur with only one goal in mind, and that is to attain the prize of finishing your race in order to please the Master. And then you want to bring in the "Gold," to that country which you began to represent when you made Jesus your Lord..
Just a thought, but I felt as if the Lord would have me add it.
Enjoy the weekend, hey!
I would like to thank anyone who helped to pray for my landlady, as her operation was successful. And then today, I was just informed that my doctor’s concern turned out to be a Gall bladder issue. Nevertheless, I wonder if perhaps God times certain events to happen in order to test me sometimes.
I called last night, but there was no answer. This morning, however, her phone just happened to be completely dead, as this was the day in which she was supposed to renew her monthly payment. I had no idea, yet was just informed that it had completely died. I had an awful feeling in my stomach as I thought the worst.
And then when I called the hospital, they informed me that she did make it through the operation which made me feel a whole lot better. Nevertheless, I welcome any and all prayers for her in the coming months.
Music Link: https://youtu.be/ILO7gsiRAlI
Added Note:
I wrote the above paper and have been wanting to pull it all afternoon. You see, I don’t like divulging personal information concerning my life, but God asks me to do these many times. Tonight, I was at the grocery store checking out.
Well, I always listen to either Fox or I like listening to Christian worship music. So, I had an evening show from Fox on and I heard this announcement. They notified their listeners that some leftist idiot group or another were claiming some new erroneous charges or something concerning Trump. I believe it stated that they were going to take him to court or they were going to do some other stupid thing and it was just the same dog manure under a different “melody.”
I mean, the moment they even begin to explain the crap, I am already aware that it is just more “Trump derangement,” birthed out of the anti-Christ spirit which cannot handle anything in life which deals with godliness.
So, after the few sentences’ announcement, I said to myself, “Thank God, I am not more known.”
And I thought, “Can you imagine having to listen to this cow manure every day of your life?”
No, I would rather live my life in obscurity until the day I die, rather than to have a “public life,” in which you had to listen to this “stuff,” every day, for lack of a better word.
I mean, here all you want to do is the best that you are able to do for your country, no other motives than to just wishing to help people because you realized that God has called you as a leader to lead.
And then to have to put up with all of these shallow, ignorant, butt…I better not go there.
But seriously, can you imagine, “Honey, I’m going to run out to the store to get an ice cream.” And then you can’t even turn on the radio, lest some ignorant know it nothing, starts berating, slandering, lying and falsifying your intentions day in and day out, over and over. I swear it would almost drive me nutz, I think?
For God’s sake people, give the man a break, would ya???????
Nevertheless, right after I left for the store, instead of the Lord allowing me to pull my paper, he had asked me to add something to it. You see, I was writing and divulging how that for the last number of years, God has been preparing me for ministry by taking me through a wilderness.
Well, as the Holy Spirit was bringing to my remembrance some of the things that I wrote, I heard him say that “I should explain that anything in which I have accomplished in any area of my ministry has not been financed by any other human being.
Oh, a few times while on the road, some very kind individuals have blessed me, but other than that, no one has ever given me any support. You see, if any of my actions or words have caused any type of change among anyone, then those “deeds,” are only attributable to Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Do you understand what I am saying?
For more than forty years, I have been observing the church in America, and other than the personal testimony from Lester Sumrall, who went around the world preaching the gospel leaving with a dime in his pocket, I have never heard anyone say, “I am going to go out and start my ministry with Jesus and my working two hands, as Paul did.”
This is very important to learn and there is no greater “wisdom,” that I could pass on to this next generation other than what I am telling you now.
And I don’t want to be hypocritical, so please allow me to say, I would’ve welcomed any and all “Help."
There were times, when I was even angry at God that I was never offered a dime from anyone, nevertheless, this is what makes me the happiest person in the world today.
And that is the fact that I have finally become a little successful in certain ministry areas, and no one gave me a dime in support.
I am telling you there is no greater satisfaction than knowing that it was solely Jesus who partnered with you in ministry.
Think of that, young people leave their Seminaries or Bible Schools, and they are taught on ways to manipulate or receive tithes and ministry support.
There are thousands of individuals who were from a particular “Stream of Ministry,” and were encouraged to pay and take a class to become a “Prayer Missionary,” which entitled them to hound Grandma, Auntie May, former teacher Betty Lou, or neighbor Mikey, under a 501 C3 status in order to receive support without having to pay taxes on it.
Funny, I never read where the Bible used that example, No, I only see the example of the apostle Paul who worked with his two hands, and as recognizing that as a part of ministry.
Can you understand what I am saying?
You don’t need ten thousand dollars to go and begin your “Missionary Journey.”
You don’t need to manipulate those under you in order to finance YOUR dream.
You don’t need a loan from Bank of Satan, to start your church.
Anyway, then I got to thinking about my youngest brother who has faithfully helped me out financially over the years. This guy has always supported me on my birthday, or at Christmas or on other occasions.
Well, I am not even sure that he has received Salvation, as according to what many Spirit Filled believers believe. Nonetheless, only God knows what is in each man’s heart.
But I was thinking that before I die, I would have hoped to have brought multitudes, perhaps millions into the kingdom and in my heart according to the scriptures, I also know that I will have an abundance in treasure waiting for me in heaven.
So, I was thinking of my brother, as I believe that he has also shared in the rewards which have been promised to me by the “Word of God.”
And I was thinking, what if for some unfortunate reason the man has never fully received “Salvation?”
Well, my brother will be like many Philanthropists perhaps, these are individuals who have spent their lives giving financially to benefit other human beings on the Earth.
Or, who knows, maybe he will be as those many who sit in church week after week placing their legalistic tithe in an envelope, or even those who don’t strictly tithe, but just give and give all of their lives to charitable causes or to a brick-and-mortar building.
Nonetheless though, I imagined all of these people and at some time in their life, they die, and of course, they are taken up to the “Pearly Gates” where Saint Peter is waiting and checking people in just as the scriptures say?
(I’ve never found the scripture, but I believe a Nun once told me that or was that, Father Bartholemew?)
Anyway, so as my brother is standing at the gates and Peter asks his name, he tells him.
And then Peter looks at the book, looks back up at my brother, looks again at the book to make sure that he has the same guy, and then exuberantly blurts out, “Oh My Goodness, why you are over there on Quadrillion Row. Why that is one of our most exclusive sections of Heaven.”
Now, can I see your Claim Check, please?
And I am afraid that my brother, along with all the other guys and gals I mentioned, will all have forgotten their “Claim Checks,” on Earth where there is no returning.
Now, wouldn’t that be a shame?
I Heaven 3:9 The New Catholic Paraphrase
Verse 9 “And Peter replied, you can go through that door then.”
Music Link: https://youtu.be/qmFJES7uRNQ
You know, when I first became a Christian, after God had called me up to East Lansing, MI, I became a part of a Catholic Charismatic Community, many were students out of Michigan State University.
Well, I was raised in Detroit, and not one person ever shared the Gospel with me.
So, here I am a recovering street kid with real addictions to drugs, yet while in the community, perhaps the first week, someone gave me the book called, “The Cross and the Switchblade,” by a preacher named David Wilkerson.
I had been trying for years to “kick,” my need for some kind of drugs every day. So, I read this book, and I find that in this story was the answer as to how to permanently become healed of every addiction that you ever had or have in your life.
I cannot tell you the feelings that I had. So, I go to these new brothers, and I told them about what was in the book, and they said, “Yea, we know.”
And I am in shock and awe, so I said to them still sort of a little skeptical maybe, “Then how come this isn’t widely or popularly known,
I mean I have spent the last five years of my life trying everything that I could think of to be free from these addictions, and you and this book are telling me that all I have to do is to make Jesus Christ my friend?
And they are like, “Yea, that’s all.”
So, again, I ask them, “Then why isn’t this popularly known?”
I said, “How come I have never read this in a newspaper before?”
“How come these truths are not being spoke about on TV?”
I said, “In my neighborhood, almost all of my friends over the years have become regular drug users, and many either “were” addicted and the ones who survived are usually plagued with serious issues concerning drugs.”
“Why aren’t these “truths” being told?”
And so, one of them with a little help from the Lord shared with me some other “truths.”
He said, “The reason John, why you don’t see these mentioned on the news or in the Media, is because “Satan is the ‘god of this world.’”
And then he shared with me how when Adam sinned in the garden, Adam turned over the authority in which God had given him over to the serpent, or the devil which was Satan.
And then it all became clearer, and the man put a hunger in me for spiritual knowledge.
And so, after I received what David Wilkerson helped those NYC addicts receive, I became healed, yet I had a new hunger.
It was a hunger for spiritual knowledge and at the time it was when the charismatic revival was just coming down from its height, yet there were still so many spiritual books being written that I couldn’t get enough. I devoured them. I believe that within a few years or even a year later I had a library of at least a few hundred books.
You see, there is a reason why the media is so corrupt in this generation, and it is because the church has given up its moral standing and it has turned the world back to Satan. And although, in the decades past the media, as well, was under the world rulership of Satan, it was not as blatantly as offensive and corrupt as we see it today.
This was why modesty was more accepted in the 1940’s much Moreso than today.
There was a church which exercised a moral authority, and, in a sense, they kept the “world,” in check.
But that is no longer the case, and you can easily see this in the last administration when to many it was “cool,” to be a party of liars and deceivers. Cheating the government of billions of dollars was considered “cool,” so long as the money was well spent to uphold their ideology.
And so, they substituted the “worship” of goodness or God and instead began to worship men, who they believed wielded “power.” In fact, many of them created these new “idols,” which the world taught were worthy to be worshipped or idolized.
They were not, they were a bunch of hacks.
Worthless in good deeds for their fellow men.
Fortunately, however, with this new President and administration of individuals who have just gotten sick of the corrupt ways in which society has been falling into, we now have a new hope and the changes can be seen every day.
Of course, the filthiest of the former will be the loudest, as reported daily on many Conservative news agencies, but if we don’t give up and support this new administration these older devils will persist.
Hopefully those devils will soon be silenced. though ,
I don’t know though, there are still a few of the woman that I don’t have high expectations for.
“WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, we don’t like change if it helps the country, the people or the budget, Wwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, my name is H…………….”
I swear, I don’t know how I get off on those rabbit trails.
No, I was talking about David Wilkerson, so I finally make it to New York City, perhaps twenty years or so, after I had read his story.
I enter into his church in the heart of Manhattan, and finally after all of those years, I was blessed to hear the man. It wasn’t until a few years later, however, when I returned and to my dismay Reverend Wilkerson, had gone on to be with the Lord.
So, there is this new guy right?
Well, I am always skeptical of any new preacher as I have never trusted in “Reviews,” church isn’t Broadway, it is the “Kingdom of God,” and you are either appointed and anointed, or you are hired by the “Board.”
Nevertheless, I enter the sanctuary and as Praise begins, I fill the room, as it has absolutely great acoustics. My voice carries up to the “domed ceiling” as I recall. But perhaps it wasn’t domed. Nonetheless, after maybe twenty minutes or whatever it was, I feel the Holy Spirit as he falls into the sanctuary and then the service moves on.
Finally, someone hands it over to the new preacher named Carter Conlon, so I am waiting to see if he is going to preach under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Let me say this first, when I read the book, “The Cross and the Switchblade,” David Wilkerson seemed like such a gentle, humble and kind man, yet over the years, I heard him criticize a number of charismatic movements, which many had extremes. So, I sort of discerned that the man was a strict old time Pentecostal who wouldn’t put up with any deviations to holiness or unnecessary changes in the order of services. I know, that one of his peeves was when the “Laughing Revival,” came to the church. But all I am saying is that I think that over the years, he just got tired of anything not traditionally accepted from the old-time churches.
And there is nothing wrong with that, as I am the same way when I see modern mega churches change various protocol in order to financially benefit them more.
Nevertheless, what I am saying is that when I finally made it to hear Rev. Wilkerson preach, I perceived him to be a strict sort of old-time preacher from yesteryear, if that make sense.
So, anyway, here it is a few years later and I have returned to NYC, so I was curious to see what kind of preacher was going to replace the famous David Wilkerson.
As I stated, the Holy Spirit falls, Rev. Conlon speaks and his sermon was “anointed,” with the Holy Ghost, which to me is like having a stamp of approval on the position of replacement “Preacher.”
Nevertheless, by his preaching I sort of picked up on the fact that this was another “stern” type of Preacher, who wasn’t going to allow much “fluff,” in the church.
And so, that was all that I wanted to say. That was the whole purpose of this paper which was to share concerning this pastor from, “The Times Square Church.”
“Oh, oh, I almost forgot, today I had an opportunity to hear the man again, but I was shocked because I was expecting this very stern Preacher, to come out and to preach one of his sermons, a la mode, David Wilkerson style, or perhaps in the style of Charles Spurgeon, yet he reminded me more of Rodney Howard Brown instead.
What for goodness' sake is happening with our “Preachers,”
” It looked as if he wasn’t able to stop laughing today for some reason and I have never even heard the man laugh before???”
I don't know, maybe it's in the water or something?
Luke 1:14 New Living Translation
14 You will have great joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth,
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